Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Mutiple intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Mutiple intelligence - Essay Example According to Howard Gardner there are seven types of intelligences: musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, spatial intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and intrapersonal intelligence. The naturalist type of intelligence was added after Gardner developed the seven types of intelligence (Levitin, 507-520) (Daniel L. Levitin is a prominent American cognitive psychologist, neuroscientist, record producer, musician, and writer). The theory of multiple intelligences has brought a pragmatic approach that would allow cultivation of student’s strengths towards learning and how we define intelligence. Numerous educators, parents, researchers, and students deemed the idea of multiple intelligences as important however, multiple intelligences theory has also risen criticisms among scholars in the field of psychology. My goal in this paper is to investigate the issues surrounding multiple intelligences by examining the point of view of Howard Gardner and those critics of the multiple intelligences theory. To achieve this goal, this paper will discuss four main sections, two of which have sub-sections. The first section will discuss the history of multiple intelligences, together with the evolution of the definition of intelligence. The second section will discuss each type of multiple intelligences, and issues surrounding the multiple intelligence theory will be discussed in the third section. Lastly, the fourth section will discuss the impact of multiple intelligence theory on the education of America. The history of multiple intelligences started through the attempts to reform the common notion of the term â€Å"intelligence†. More often, people measured intelligence through the ability to solve problems, to find the answers to specific questions, and to learn new material quickly and

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